Tj Punchard, M.A, M.A.

 Tj Punchard is a registered psychological associate in the process of completing his Psy.D in clinical psychology with over 5 years working to help people live and love their authentic selves while deepening an understanding of what makes them truly thrive in life. Tj is most passionate about enacting life change. He has worked with a wide variety of populations including children, families, couples, veterans, people with service animals, sexual abuse/rape survivors and people working through complex trauma. 

Tj specializes in complex trauma, inner child work, and multicultural issues. He also has experience working with anxiety, depression, racism, discrimination, sexual abuse/rape survivors, vocational stress, relationship discord, intimate partner violence, Combat-PTSD, Bi-Polar disorder, narcissism, family issues, and physical disabilities. Tj also has a masters in Animal Behavior and trains service animals. 


Poet Erma Bombeck once stated "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used all you gave me." This quote models how Tj hopes to impact the world by using his gifts to help others work through their own complex trauma, understand and embrace their authentic identity, and walk into seasons of human flourishing.